Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Wwancara yang Gagal

Pertama kalinya, aku yakin kalau wawancaraku bakal gagal. Dari pertama ketemu pewawancara, bahasa inggrisku udah kacau. Ckckck. Udah gitu, aku gak bisa mempromosiin diri sendiri dengan baik. Well, jadiin pelajaran aja nih.
Jadi ceritanya, aku mau ikut wawancara kepanitiaan seminar internasional. Pengennya sih dapet jabatan LO (Liaison Officer) soalnya kayaknya menyenangkan jadi LO. Pengen banget bisa ngelatih bahasa inggris ke bule, hehe. Tapi, waktu wawancara, entah kenapa apa yang udah kulatih di dalam kepala ilang semua. Oh my God.
Belum ada waktu buat translate SKK Scandal dari yogurutu.blogspot.com nih, hehe. Secepatnya ya, setelah semua deadline ini selesai

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Want to read the Novel!

I just finished watching serial, which I thought it was sooooo goood! Well, when I watch it for the first time, I got dvd's with bad subtitle in it. So, I searching if i can download the serial. Finally, i can download some episodes and still want to download until the serial ending.
The serial is kind of famous, lately. It's Sungkyunkwan Scandal. It was made from novel, and after I watch the film, I want to read the novel too! I really really really want to read the novel, but there isn't english edition yet. Huh.
But I find blog which translate some parts of the novel to english, yey! I will try to translate it to Indonesia, since the writer told everyone to be free for translating.

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Future, Depend on Now

Its December! Almost end of the year, and I realize none of my target has been reached. Oh God...
I realize something important. What will happen in the future is depending on how we did things now. And I dont know my goal after I finish my undergraduate study. Will I continue my study for postgraduate or just find a job?
After lot of thinking, I decided that I will fight for both of them! Yeah, I will fight for getting scholarship for my postgraduate study and I will try to find a job too!